
Showing posts from May, 2019

SQLite In Python

Setup For Work SQLite3 comes with python by default. So, you don't need to install it explicitly. Now create a python script and try with the below code. Connecting Database [ ]: import sqlite3 def create_db():     try:          connection  = sqlite3.connect('test.db')    # if test.db is there then it will connect or it will create a new           return  connection     except(sqlite3.DatabaseError, sqlite3.ProgrammingError):         print("DB Connection Error") connection   =  connect_my_db () Create Table : import sqlite3 import db_connect connection   =  connect_my_db () cursor_object = connection.cursor() query = ''' CREATE TABLE  DemoTable  (username text, mail text, phone text, id integer); ''' try:     cursor_object.execute(query)     print("Table created successfully") except Exception as e:     print(e) connection.commit() connection.close() Insert Data Into Table : import sqlite3 import db_connect connectio

MySQL With Python

  Setup For Work step 1: Install MySQL in your system (Note* please remember root password)   step 2: create a database in the name 'db10' step 3: create a virtual environment (if you don't know then  visit here ) step 4: pip install mysql-connector-python step 5: Now create a python script and try with the below code Code Connecting Database: import psycopg2 import mysql.connector def connect_my_db (db, user, password, host):     try:         connection = mysql.connector.connect(         database=db, user = user,          password = password, host = host,          port = "3306")         print("Database Connected")         return connection     except Exception as e:         print("Unable to connect DB") connection = connect_my_db('db10', 'root', '12345', 'localhost') Create Table : import mysql.connector import db_connect connection = db_connect.connect_my_db('db10', 'root', '12345', '

Email Sending Using Python

Code Step1:  Please visit the Less Secure App    and make it 'on' Step2: We will use 'smtplib' Then, Example Code: import smtplib  def send_my_message(sender_email_id, sender_email_id_password, receiver_email_id):     # creates SMTP session      s = smtplib.SMTP('', 587)      # start TLS for security      s.starttls()      # Authentication      s.login(sender_email_id, sender_email_id_password)     # message to be sent      message = "Message_you_need_to_send"     # sending the mail      s.sendmail(sender_email_id, receiver_email_id, message)      # terminating the session      s.quit() sender_email_id = "" sender_email_id_password = "***********" receiver_email_id = "" send_my_message(sender_email_id, sender_email_id_password, receiver_email_id) Get Help